
Welcome to my homepage!

I'll be posting lots of my cool stuff up here, so check back often!

As of today (24.8.2024) I'm still setting up the homepage so that it looks as pretty as possible for you guys. I'm also planning to add more features to make this homepage even cooler! (or - should I say - more *lit*.)

About me

I'm a magpie who's been wreaking havoc across the internet since 1999. I like coding, surfing the web, rummaging through record bins, and hanging out with other cartoon animals.

A huge passion of mine is learning foreign languages. Currently focusing on Portuguese. Most proficient in French, and I have a grasp of Spanish. I've also studied - to varying degrees - German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean. I don't claim to be fluent in any of these languages, but studying them and picking them apart linguistically is something I enjoy nonetheless.

My Sparklies Collection!